Acupuncture is a natural solution to common pregnancy ailments such as morning sickness and back pain.
According to the National Institute of Health, “acupuncture is an effective treatment for women with nausea, vomiting, and improved the health status of women in pregnancy.”
Reproductive acupuncture helps to increase circulation thereby balancing hormones that circulate in the body. Through balancing hormones, symptoms such as migraines, headaches and nausea can be alleviated.
Our “healthy mom, healthy baby protocol” is a treatment plan of weekly sessions throughout the first trimester (up to weeks 13) and twice monthly sessions throughout the remainder of gestation to help improve pregnancy related symptoms.
Here are some pregnancy symptoms that acupuncture can help with:
Carpal Tunnel Pain
Wrist pain
Back pain
Pre Eclampsia
Gestational Diabetes
To learn more about services or schedule your consultation, reach out to